A guide on religions all over the world and their views on reality, spirituality and ethics.
From rituals, to important people, to arts and culture this application delivers brief information about some of the more widely spread opinions of mankind.
This application intends familiarizing the user with the different aspects of different religions, the final purpose being one of understanding of different cultures .
20 main chapters are available for reading, in alphabetical order:
Atheism, Baha'i , Buddhism, Candomble, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Mormonism, Paganism, Rastafari, Santeria, Shinto, Sikhism, Spiritualism, Taoism, Unitarianism, Jehova's Witnesses and Zoroastrianism.
If any links are broken, and i think i missed some, please write me!
Please consider evaluating the app after you have used it.
I do not own anything written here.
Source - bbc.co.uk - © [2009] BBC